Welcome To Our Website
Welcome to the Second Baptist Church of South Richmond. We are a “Caring and Sharing" church. We have been serving God since 1880. At Second Baptist Church we put the Lord first and unashamedly declare that Jesus is Lord.
Our mission is to exalt the name of our Lord through worship and godly living, evangelize the unsaved by spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ, edify believers to live victorious Christian lives, encourage those who have been through the storms of life, and equip our members with the spiritual tools to be effective and fruitful children of the Most High.
We hope that something said or done today will draw you closer to God and allow you to have a more vibrant relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. Our church is always open and we greet you today with open arms.
If you have never opened your heart to Jesus Christ, you can be saved today. God Loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life, but we can never experience God's plan until we deal with our sin problem. The bible says In Romans 3:23 that everyone has sinned and the cost of that sin is eternal separation from God. The Good News is that Jesus Christ paid for our sins through his death, burial and glorious resurrection. If you believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that God has raised Jesus Christ from the Dead you can be saved according to the Holy Scriptures (Romans 10:9). We do not want you to leave today without your sins forgiven and your soul safe and secure in the hand of God.
“Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” John 1:12
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Today's Events
Coming in february
Worship Services
- Sundays at 11:15 A.M.
- On FaceBook Live
- Bible Study:
- Wednesdays at 6:30 P.M.
- On FaceBook Live
Contact Us
- 3300 Broad Rock Blvd.
- Richmond, Va. 23224
- Phone: 804-232-5124
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