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Wednesday in the Word

Second Baptist Church

March 15, 2017

Exodus  3:4-15

  1. Chapter 3 verses 4-5. Picking up from two weeks ago. Moses has been tending sheep for his father in law Jethro for many years, about 40. He is now walking the sheep and he sees a bush burning, but the bush is not consumed by the fire. This was a strange sight seen like grass, or bushes in the scripture. (Psalm 103:15, Psalm 90:5-6, Psalm 103: because the bush did not burn up quickly like bushes that are on fire usually do. We are often 15-16, Isaiah 37:27, Isaiah 40:6-7, Isaiah 51:12, James 1:10). There is something amazing that happens when the temporal is merged with the eternal. Instead of being consumed, this bush is given extraordinary properties. So this is true with that man or woman of God that submits to being used by God. Moses sees this bush and approaches it. As he approaches it, a voice calls his name twice and Moses is told to remove his shoes for he is on holy ground. Before Moses has time to ask why, Jehovah explains that the ground where Moses stands is “holy.” What caused that ground to become hallowed? The obvious conclusion would be the presence of God. Any other day and at any other time, it was just dirt. But when Divinity showed up, the ordinary became sacred. Considering all that is going on in the passage, Moses did not seem to think twice about removing his shoes. His actions set a wonderful example for all that encounter the, “I AM.” In examining the text, the sandals represent anything that acts as a barrier between man and God's manifested presence. Those sandals could have been Moses‘ favorites, but in the presence of God they must go. God may never tell you to take off your shoes, He will ask you to remove other things like your pride, arrogance and unforgiveness, fornication, addictions and idolatry. Because the anointing is so great, compliance comes swiftly. It is a common theme throughout scripture for God to tell the people to remove things that are not worthy of His presence. Yes, He could force them off, but the command has been to “sanctify yourselves.” We see this in such passages as, Joshua 3:5, Leviticus 11:44 and 1 Samuel 16:5. When we remove the accursed thing, (Joshua 7:13) we find that grace flows freely in our midst. God is calling for the Body of Christ to remove ANYTHING that serves as barriers to Him.

  2. Verse 6. The God of the burning bush is the covenant-making, covenant-keeping God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. In verse 6, God identified Himself to Moses in this way: “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.” The God in the burning bush is the God of Moses’ forefathers, the God of the patriarchs, Israel’s God. He is the God who made a covenant with Abraham and reiterated it to Isaac and Jacob. It is not a new and different God who is here made known to Moses, but the God of his forefathers, the God of Israel. There is no new plan, but simply the outworking of the old plan, revealed to Abraham in Genesis 15. This is the same God and the plan is still in effect. God keeps his promises, and never forgets his commitment to his people. The tough thing is that this plan is not always on our schedule so it seems like God is late, when he is really still on time. By this point Moses has most likely given up hope and lost faith in God. God has been silent for so many years, but his silence did not mean he was not listening and preparing deliverance.

  3. Verse 7. In this verse, God says he has seen the misery of the Hebrews, heard the cries of the Hebrews and is concerned about their condition. This verse is a verse of hope, because even when God is silent, he sees, hears, and is compassionate to your situation. God’s silence is not a sign that he doesn’t care. God sees and hears all, and is concerned about you. Concerned meaning God is preparing your deliverance. For 400 years, God appeared to be distant and removed as far as the Israelites must have thought. They would probably have thought of God as more transcendent (distant, removed, uninvolved in the world), rather than imminent (directly concerned with and involved in the affairs of men). This was not the case, for we have seen God’s hidden hand working providentially to preserve His people and to prepare for their release.

  4. Verses 8-9. God tells Moses that not only is he going to bring them out of bondage, but he is going to bring them into a blessing. Whew that is shouting material right there. God doesn’t just want to take you out, but he is trying to bring you into a blessing. God will move them from slavery to prosperity. This is good news.

  5. Verse l0. While God is going to be directly involved in the deliverance of His people, He will do so through human instruments. Specifically, God has manifested Himself to Moses because He intends to manifest Himself through Moses. God’s first words to Moses were, “Moses, Moses” (v. 4). Although God indicated His personal involvement in the exodus (“I have come down to rescue them,” (v. 8), it is Moses through whom these things will be accomplished. Thus, we find Moses commissioned by God to return to Egypt, to confront Pharaoh, and to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. God told Moses I am sending you to help my people. I am sending you to do a great work. I am sending you to make a difference. I am sending you to change the landscape of your people’s existence. I am sending you to give people hope. I am sending you to uplift those who feel oppressed. I am sending you to help people get free. I know you don’t qualify, but I am sending you anyway.

  6. Verse 11. Moses heard the call to go, but he had some issues that he thought were problems that prevented him from being able to be the one. The first problems is He says “Who am I to go the Pharaoh” in verse 11. Basically he was saying that I can’t do this by myself. Forty years before, Moses had made a very critical decision concerning his identity. He had determined that he was an Israelite, and thus could not be known any longer as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter (cf. Heb. 11:24-26). Having done this, Moses determined that he would attempt to deliver his people, which resulted in the slaying of the Egyptian. When Moses then tried to intervene in a dispute between two Hebrews, the guilty party hurled these stinging words at him, “Who made you ruler and judge over us?” (Exod. 2:14) Moses had tried to lead before, but failed miserably. He made all the wrong choices, he was unjustly violent, unethical, and used a double standard. None of these qualities made for a good leader. Moses knows fully that he is not the one to lead anybody, but in the last 40 years, he has been humbled by his circumstances, and now is ready for God to use him, he just doesn’t know that. He might have thought he was thrown away to live in the wilderness forever, what he didn’t know was that he was in God’s preparing ministry. Some of you today are in God’s preparing ministry. You might think you are not going to be used in a mighty way, but God is not done with you yet.

  7. Verse 12. Basically God answers Moses with “That’s not a problem.” You are right Moses you can’t do this by yourself. You are right Moses, you can’t do this alone, but “that’s not a problem.” I will go with you. There might be someone who is afraid, because it seems like you have to do it all by yourself. You are afraid to step out and answer the call to be a servant for the lord, because you are afraid to do it alone, you are afraid to be by yourself, you are afraid people will leave you, you are afraid to be left by yourself, But I have come to encourage you, if you step out with God and begin to do his will, you will never be alone, God will be with you. If you are afraid, that is alright, God will go with you. If you are thinking you would be by yourself, don’t be afraid. God is with you. The fear of that you can’t do it by yourself, “That’s not a problem.” God will be with you. God will make sure that you make the right decision.

  8. Verses 13-l5. Moses says that he does not know what name to use when he goes to his people. What he was really saying was his name is no good. What he meant was his credit among the people was no good and his record was questionable. God responds in verse 14 by telling Moses to use God’s name “I AM.” That is the name you should use. You are right Moses, you can’t qualify with your name, but you can use mine. I will co-sign for you. You credit is bad, but mine is good. Your name has a history of mess-ups, but my name has a good history. Tell the people that you are using the name of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Those are my references. My name is good. They can check it out for themselves. Check his credit.

  9. Intercessory prayer. We will break up into groups for 30 minutes of prayer.

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